
Monday 6 June 2016

5 vs 2...

I have learnt to be happy. Sorry, I meant, I have started to know myself. The quarrel with the boss was awesome. May be it’s stemming from the vital blood of youth. The hunt for a change took me to the nearby gym, and from there to dance classes. Neither seemed to suit me for joining, but the visit was enjoyable, for that called for giving me fulfillment on carrying out the planned tasks of the day!

After having seen myself riding a bicycle in dreams so many times since childhood, I finally borrowed it from a neighbor so as to try it whenever I get time. Obviously, I don’t give a damn to the tattling ladies of the street for their criticism –‘She should have learnt riding a bicycle in the childhood’, “it’s her mom’s fault for not giving her a cycle earlier’, ‘when will you keep your feet on the paddles off the ground’, ‘even my little grandchild rides better’. Actually I laughed on their vague comments and funny suggestions, for that seemed they are merely a slave of time and age.

Too mad about accessories, I guess, I would not have spared a single cosmetic shop to buy myself a string of pearls, bracelets, colourful earrings, and yes, beautiful bangles. I want to buy as much as I can, but don’t know why they all are so short of stock!

I just made a list of sandals of the colours I need. Afterall, Tilak Nagar is a wonderful market for footwear.

Obviously, I am feeling suffocated after bowing to the tyranny of a worldly life for 5 days. And I guess weekend is the only time we ordinary people who belong to the subset called ‘employees’ do get to live our life. But the misery is that sometimes those 5 days become so frustrating that we are left with nothing than to vent out the outburst of the week, and do all bizarre things like these on the weekend.

With a hell lot of dismay, I would say, that’s what has become today’s scenario. I mean, struggling all through the working days under the heat of the competitive environment, and then craving for those 2 days (or just one day) to breathe some air. No health, no rest, no sleep, no entertainment. In short, no life!!!

The irony is that, those 2 days fly like a flick of a second, and before you could steal off sometime for yourself, another 5 days are on your way to make it all the more hell- “The Monday morning”. It’s all the result of oppressive pressure imposed by the schools, colleges, and consequently the companies to get more output in less time from us – ‘The mechanical robots’! We surrender, though from inside, we fret and fume. But this is the rule we are taught to follow since childhood to outstrip the other robots. And with time, the rule is getting more strict and restraining.

It’s not only the sun’s heat which is draining out our energy but the welter of stressful things too. Someone somewhere is definitely making a way through the boring timetable of the week for 5 days. There are just those two days left, which some workaholic people often spend in completing the so called ‘pending’ but actually never-ending tasks at job. So , with due respect, it’s a serious request to renounce such fallacy and instead do something interesting on these 2 days, something which utterly pleases you, something which you want to do for yourself , not to get good incentives at job, something which even makes those 5 days exciting, and makes you stand out of the crowd of people who are leading an aimless, slavish and frugal life.

Do Anything which is your passion, trek on the hills, climb mountains, explore a new restaurant, do experiments, go for some training or hobby classes, or start something on your own to run on weekends, do anything …But live out your life, entirely your own in those 2 days. Because those 5 days is not your life, it’s only the necessities of your life.

Please, don’t think about the whole week, but just about these 2 days…Always!!!

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